In this lesson, you will learn everything you need to know to get started with IELTS speaking.
As you may know, the IELTS exam has 4 sections; speaking, listening, reading and writing.
The IELTS speaking test is a face-to-face conversation that lasts for 11 -14 minutes, making it the shortest section of the exam. In this part of the test, the examiner will ask you questions that get more difficult as you move towards the end of the exam. This section is worth 25% of your overall score. There are 3 parts; part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Part 1 of IELTS speaking lasts for 4-5 minutes. The examiner will ask you questions about you and your life. You do not have time to prepare answers in this section.
Common topics here include your job/studies, hometown, hobbies, friends/family, daily routine and holidays.
This generally considered to be the easiest part of the IELTS speaking exam though it's important not to lose easy marks so don't forget to study it!
Part 2 of IELTS speaking lasts for 3-4 minutes.
In this section the examiner will give you a card with one main question and 4 supporting questions. You will then have 1 minute to read the card and prepare an answer. You are allowed to take notes at this time. After 1 minute, you are required to speak for 1-2 minutes (close to 2 minutes is best).
Students often struggle with fluency (the ability to talk smoothly for a long time) in this section. It is very important to practice these questions at home.
Common topics here include:
- Describing a person. eg. a friend.
- Describing a place/building. eg. a restaurant you like.
- Describing an event. eg. an important day in your life.
-Describing an activity. eg. something you do in your free time.
After you finish speaking, the examiner will ask you one or two more questions related to what you said.
Part 3 IELTS speaking lasts for 4-5 minutes. In this section the examiner will ask questions that require you to give your opinion.
The questions in this section are more difficult and academic. Questions are related to the part 2 question. For example, if in part 2 you were asked about 'An important day in your life', part 3 questions might be about important days/national holidays around the world.
Common topics in part 2 and 3 include;
- Education.
- Transport.
- Health.
- Celebrations.
- Hobbies.
- Celebrities.
- Sport.
- The Environment.
- Technology.
- Friendship.
- Travel.
- Food.
Many students find this section difficult because of the range of topics and the difficulty of the questions. It is true that this section is challenging and that it is important to study a range of topics and vocabulary. However, it is important to remember that you are not marked on your ideas or knowledge of topics. You are only marked on your English ability.