Where are you studying?
I’m currently studying linguistics at The University Of Nottingham. It’s an extremely prestigious university in central England. It’s famous for being in the city where Robin Hood once lived!
Why did you choose to study there?
I chose Nottingham for a number of reasons. Firstly, because it had a strong reputation for quality in my subject area. Secondly, because the university has a very student-centric approach to teaching, which means there is a lot of contact time between student and teacher and a lot of group work where you learn your subject in a fun, natural environment.
What do you think you’ll do after you finish your studies?
Hmm…I’m not one-hundred percent certain to be totally honest. I’ll most likely try to continue my studies on to Masters level, but another option for me would be to find a career as a translator or a teacher. If neither of those things happen, I’ll try to put my knowledge to good use and work abroad for a short time to acquire some helpful experience.