How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
I normally throw a party and invite all of my friends. Birthdays are a big thing in my family and in my culture, so we go all out when we celebrate them.
Are there any birthdays that are special in your culture?
Yes, there a a few birthdays that are unique. These are the ones that occur when you are 13, 16,18,21 and 30. They usually have some connection to the law in the country, for example when you are 16 you are legally considered an adult and when you are 18 you can legally purchase alcohol or drive a car.
Can you remember a birthday you had as a child?
Yes, the most memorable birthday I have ever had was when my mum and dad rented out a huge bouncing castle in secret and invited all my friends and family without telling me. I came home from school to find everyone waiting for me in my back garden. It was such a surprise!