In this article, I will give a list of the most common IELTS speaking topics and questions for part 2 IELTS speaking. You should use this list to prepare answers and practice speaking.
If you are interested in some common topics and questions for part 1 or 3 , you can find them at the below links.
In IELTS speaking part 2, the examiner gives you a question card with one main question and some prompts to help you with ideas. You will be given on minute to read the question and you can write down some keywords if you wish. You will then have to speak for a maximum of two minutes. After you finish, the examiner will ask you a follow-up question.
It is important that you speak for more than 90 seconds in this part of the exam. Many students struggle to do this fluently. Common problems include:
- Not having ideas.
- Repeating the same information.
- Unorganized answers.
- Slow unnatural speech.
It is therefore incredibly important to prepare for this part of the speaking exam. An effective way to prepare for IELTS speaking part 2 is to choose a question below and prepare for one minute. Then, speak aloud and record your answer. Following this, listen to the recording of your answer and correct any mistakes you made. You should think about the following things:
- Is your answer long enough? Your answer should be more than 90 seconds long.
- Is your speaking natural? You should not have long pauses. On the other hand, you should not rush through your answer.
- Is your pronunciation clear?
- Do you repeat yourself? You should try to avoid this by making notes carefully.
- Are you making grammatical errors? Repeated grammatical errors are common in this part, especially near end of students’ answers. Watch out for mistakes in tenses, especially past simple.
Check out our sample answers here to see what I takes to get a high score.
Common areas here include:
- Describing a person. eg. a friend.
- Describing a place/building. eg. a restaurant you like.
- Describing an event. eg. an important day in your life.
- Describing an activity. eg. something you do in your free time.
Below is a list of common topics and questions for this part
Describe a person you admire.
You should say.
You should say:
Describe an environmental problem.
You should say:
Describe a long journey you went on.
You should say
Describe an item of clothing you like wearing
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say.
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
You should say:
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which contains essential strategies, sample answers with key vocabulary for more than 40 IELTS speaking topics, listening exercises and quizzes. You can learn more about it