In this lesson, you will review speaking part 2 tips, learn some key vocabulary related to and study a sample answer for an IELTS speaking part 2 question related 'An Exercise". 

01 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Tips
  1. Use an opener.
  2. Answer the question by paraphrasing.
  3. Use different tenses/structures.
  4. Include fluency markers and linking words. 
  5. Use some less common vocabulary (as seen below) 

02 Useful Vocabulary : An Exercise
  • Competitive (adj)– a game/sport in which someone wins. 
  • Racket (n) – an object used to hit a ball when playing tennis. 
  • A court (n)–an area the we use to play tennis or basketball.  
  • To cost an arm and a leg – to be very expensive. 
  •  fit (adj)healthy because of regular exercise
  • To blow off steam – To release anger/strong emotion after a stressful time
  • Hectic– very busy (often used to describe life or a place; not used to describe a person).  

03 Sample Answer - IELTS Speaking Part 2: An Exercise

Describe an exercise you have tried.
You should say:
  • What the exercise is.
  • What equipment it requires.
  • When you first tried it.
  • Why you think it is a good exercise.

I’m going to talk about tennis as I believe it is a particularly beneficial form of exercise. 

First of all tennis is a competitive sport that is popular worldwide. Generally, a match has two players and the aim of the game is to hit a ball over a net that is placed between the two opponents. I guess, the most well-known tennis tournament in the world would have to be Wimbledon, which takes place in England. 

In order to play tennis, one would need a racket, some sports clothes such as trainers and shorts, and of course, a tennis court to play on. Unfortunately, tennis equipment can be quite expensive. I recently bought a new racket that cost an arm and a leg! 

I’ve been playing tennis for more than a decade, but my father first introduced to this activity. My dad is a massive fan, and regularly joins competitions. I remember him teaching me the basic techniques and rules of the game when I was about 12 years old. 

I believe it’s incredibly valuable , not only because of the considerable health benefits, but also because it’s so enjoyable. It is a well-known fact that tennis can help one to get fit but for me it’s mostly about fun. I’ve been playing tennis every weekend for the past 5 years. In this time,  I have made countless new friends . Furthermore, it helps me to blow off some steam after a hectic working week.  

Now it's your turn, prepare your own answers using some of the vocabulary you learned today.

You should use the model answers to help you and you can 'steal' some phrases but you should not copy or try to memorize the answers.

Then, practice answering the below questions. It is a good idea to record your answers on your phone then listen to the answers and correct any mistakes you can hear.

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