5 things successful people do in the evening

5 things successful people do in the evening
Mal James • Apr 19, 2024

We're so often bombarded with talk of magical morning routines that supposedly transform lives. You know the drill; wake up at 5am, meditate, workout, icy cold shower - and bam, you're set for success. 

But the truth is, how we spend our evenings is just as crucial as those morning rituals. 

The evening hours are when many successful individuals sort through the noise and chaos of the day. They use this time to recharge their batteries, reflect on lessons learned, and deliberately set themselves up for another knockout performance tomorrow. 

Today, we'll dive into five powerful evening habits of such high achievers. 

01 They disconnect from devices before bedtime

How often do you find yourself falling asleep watching a Youtube video or scrolling Instagram and waking up lying next to (or on!) your phone the next morning?

I’ll admit I have been guilty of this, too. 

But as you might have guessed, this is not doing our minds any favors as we try to wind down for the night. 
Numerous studies have proven that device usage before bed can negatively impact sleep quality. 

It’s also backed up by experts like organizational psychologist, Dr.
Michael Woodward,  who has stated “the last thing you need is to be lying in bed thinking about an email you just read from that overzealous boss who spends all their waking hours coming up with random requests driven by little more than a momentary impulse”. 

Many successful people seem recognize this digital trap and take deliberate steps to avoid it. Richard Branson, the hugely successful Entrepreneur, for instance,
has said he powers down his devices before going to sleep. 

This purposeful break promotes better sleep, reduces eye strain, and provides a genuine respite from our frenetic digital lives. 

The point?

The world can wait -clock out for the night out for the night.

02 They practice gratitude 

Amid the hustle to achieve and inevitable setbacks, many successful individuals have a powerful grounding force: an intentional gratitude practice. 

As noted by
CNBC, major influencers and leaders like Ariana Huffington, Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey have openly credited having a gratitude practice as a crucial element behind their achievements. 

Oprah told
The Hollywood Reporter that “The last thing I do before I go to sleep is write five things that gave me great pleasure or that I was grateful for.”

Huffington has echoed this
stating, "I love the idea of starting and ending the day with three things I'm grateful for."

If that’s doesn’t convince you to give it a shot, know that the benefits of gratitude are also well-backed by scientific research.
Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders, promote heart health, reduce stress levels, and improve the quality of sleep. 

But how we do this? 

Well, it could be simple a mental reflection, a written list, or a verbal expression shared with loved ones. 

On a personal note, this has been a game-changer for my own happiness and motivation. If you don’t do it already, give it a shot!

03 They read

This one will come as no surprise to you. 

Most successful people are known to be big lifelong learners and this learning doesn’t stop once the sun goes down. 

Reading is a common thread found among many successful people, serving not just as a way to unwind but also as an opportunity to continuously learn and expand their horizons.

Barack Obama has shared that he dedicates about half an hour before bed to reading, which helps him relax and take his mind off the pressures of daily life. 

Bill Gates is another prolific reader, carving out a full hour each evening to delve into books, citing it as a critical part of his daily routine. 

Ariana Huffington makes a point to read real books before bed.

These high achievers understand that the benefits of reading stretch far beyond relaxation. 

Whether it’s fiction that transports them to another world, or non-fiction that offers new insights, the act of reading regularly is likely integral to their success and well-being.


04 They prioritize getting enough quality sleep

It seems rudimentary, yet it's often neglected - successful people appreciate the indispensable importance of a good night's sleep. 

Most don't try to outwit biology by subsisting on a few hours of rest. Instead, they understand sleep is the fundamental way the body and brain restore, reset, and prepare the energy reserves for what's to come. 

  • Oprah ,for instance, has revealed that she goes to bed at 10 P.M. and wakes up naturally at 6 A.M.
  • Sheryl Sandberg is said to go to bed even earlier at 9:30 P.M and gets a healthy 8 hours of shut eye. 
  • Lebron James is known for getting 12 hours (yes, 12 hours!), sleep a day. 
  • Even Jeff Bezos gets eight hours. He has said “Eight hours of sleep makes a big difference for me, and I try hard to make that a priority. For me, that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited”

And when we look at the research, it makes sense. As
noted by the NIH, “Sleep deficiency can interfere with work, school, driving, and social functioning. You might have trouble learning, focusing, and reacting.” Too little sleep is also linked to a number of serious health problems like heart disease, high boold pressure, stroke and depression. Hardly a recipe for success, eh?

To mirror the success of these achievers, consider establishing a consistent bedtime routine and ensuring you get the right amount of sleep your body needs every night.

05 They plan and set intentions for the next day

While it's tempting to simply crash after a long day, those who are steps ahead use their evenings to look forward. 

For example, according to
Business Insider, Kenneth Chenault, former CEO of American Express writes down threw key things he wants to accomplish the next day. 

It's not about militant scheduling of every minute - it's about giving direction and focus to their efforts when they wake up, ensuring they start productive and purposeful versus reactionary. 

This small nightly ritual is like gifting their future self a roadmap to begin intentionally.

The bottom line 

The evening hours represent a powerful opportunity. While many view this time as simply passing period before bed, the most successful view it as sacred productive space. 

By reclaiming their nights through intentional evening rituals, they're not just preparing for an energized day ahead - they're fortifying a lifestyle of overall thriving. 

True greatness, it seems is at least in part built brick-by-brick through the small, seemingly insignificant choices we make after the sun goes down.

I hope you found some value in this post. 

Until next time. 

By Mal James 29 Apr, 2024
Crafting a life of success begins long before the trophies and accolades arrive. It's woven into the very fabric of our daily habits, attitudes, and the relentless pursuit of growth, even when the end goal seems distant. Today, we explore seven ssigns that you are on track for success, even if you haven't achieved anything noteworthy yet. Let's dive in. 01 You love learning As Einstein once said, "Once you stop learning, you start dying." Successful individuals never stop learning. They are always looking to expand their knowledge, skills, and understanding. Whether it's reading books, attending seminars, or simply listening more than they speak, they constantly seek out opportunities to grow and improve. Bill Gates, for instance, one of the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs in the world, is known for his love of reading and learning. He is reported to read 50 books a year because he believes that learning from the experiences of others is a crucial aspect of personal development and success. So, ask yourself, do you actively seek new knowledge? Do you challenge yourself to learn something new every day? Do you incorporate learning into your daily routine? If so, you are likely on the path to success. 02 You don’t let setbacks hold you back We don’t have to look far to find a successful person who experienced a setback or two and came out the other side. But perhaps my favorite example is the story of J.K. Rowling. Before becoming a household name, Rowling faced rejection from 12 different publishers for her first book. Yes, Harry Potter , now one of the most celebrated (and bestselling) books ever, was rejected 12 times! Despite these rejections and financial struggles, she persisted. Her determination and resilience ultimately paid off, leading to her immense success as the author of the Harry Potter series. How do you react when things don't go as planned? Do you crumble under the weight of disappointment, or do you dust yourself off and try again? Successful people understand that failure is not the opposite of success; rather, it's a part of the journey. 03 You are self-motivated Are you the type of person who waits for someone else to push you into action, or do you have that internal drive that pushes you to go after your dreams? Self-motivation is a cornerstone trait of successful individuals. Those who are destined for success don't need a boss, a partner, or anyone else to light a fire under them. They have their own internal flame that keeps them moving forward, fueling their desire to learn, grow, and achieve. This motivation comes from a place of passion and purpose - not from external rewards or recognition. 04 You set clear goals Picture this: You're on a road trip without a map, a GPS, or even a clear destination. You're just driving aimlessly, hoping to get... somewhere. Sounds frustrating, doesn't it? Well, this is exactly what life is like without clear goals. As put by Stoic philosopher, “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” Successful people understand the importance of having clear, achievable targets. They set both short-term and long-term goals that give them a sense of direction and purpose. These goals act as a roadmap, guiding their decisions and actions towards achieving their desired outcomes. But they don't just set these goals and forget about them. They routinely check in on their progress, reassess their approach if needed, and celebrate their achievements along the way - no matter how small. 05 You maintain a positive attitude I know this sounds somewhat cliché, but there are real benefits to maintaining a positive outlook. As noted by the Mayo Clinic , research suggests that a positive mindset can actually enhance a person’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety, which, as you might imagine, are crucial skills in becoming successful. Successful people aren't immune to negative emotions or tough times, though. They experience setbacks, disappointments, and failures just like anyone else. What sets them apart is their ability to maintain an optimistic outlook even in the face of adversity. They choose to focus on the silver linings, learn from their mistakes, and view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. 06 You practice discipline In a world full of distractions, maintaining focus on your goals can be quite a challenge. Successful people understand the value of discipline in achieving their goals. It’s about making choices that align with your goals, even when it's not easy or convenient. We only have to look to the morning schedules of the highly successful for some proof of this. As noted by the Independent , successful people are up and at it early! For instance: Apple Tim Cook gets his day started at 3:45 a.m. and spends an hour checking emails before going to the gym. Michelle Obama is working out by 4:30 a.m. Richard Branson of Virgin Group is up by 5:45 a.m. and also does exercise. The point? I am sure many of these people would like to sleep in a little and they could afford to do so. I am sure they don’t always feel like getting up at the crack of dawn and doing exercise. But they do. Getting up and exercising is just one example, however. It's about resisting the temptation of immediate gratification for the sake of long-term success. It's about showing up and doing the work, day in and day out - even when you don't feel like it. 07 You value relationships While success is often viewed as an individual pursuit, the reality is that no one achieves great things alone. Successful people understand the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships both personally and professionally. They surround themselves with positive, like-minded individuals who inspire and challenge them. They value collaboration and understand that diverse perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and better results. Additionally, successful people understand the importance of showing appreciation and giving back. They offer their help willingly, express gratitude often, and never shy away from acknowledging others' contributions to their success. If you're someone who values your relationships and understands the power of collaboration, you're already demonstrating a crucial trait of successful individuals. After all, success is sweeter when it's shared! The bottom line That just about wraps it up for today, folks. In short, success isn't just about reaching a destination; it's about embodying the qualities that propel you forward each day. Did you relate the above traits? If so, good for you! You are probably on the path to success. If not, well don’t worry, you can foster these habits in your own life. There’s no time like the present to start being better. As always, I hope you found some value in this post. Until next time.
7 things successful students never do
By Mal James 17 Apr, 2024
Having been a teacher for more than a decade, I’ve noticed there's a stark contrast between successful students and those who struggle. And it often boils down to the things that they avoid. It's not about studying single every single minute of the day. It's more about what they consciously choose not to do that sets them apart. Today, we cover seven habits you should avoid if you really want to achieve success. Let's shed some light on these habits, shall we? 01 Neglect physical exercise I've seen this one firsthand. During my university years, my roommate, Alex, was the epitome of a successful student. And one thing that always struck me was his commitment to staying active, even during the most stressful of times. While others, including myself, would often fall into the trap of studying for hours on end without moving, Alex would always make time for a quick run or a trip to the gym. It wasn't about the aesthetics for him. He believed that a healthy body led to a healthy mind. And he was right, as I later learned exercise is tied to so many mental health benefits. As noted by Heatlhline , studies have shown that exercise can relieve stress, improve self confidence, make our mood better and even promote sharper memory and thinking. If these aren’t the ingredients to successful learning, I don’t know what are! Don't fall into the trap of thinking studying should consume your every waking moment. Take a leaf from Alex's book - physical activity is essential for maintaining focus and mental clarity. 02 Pull “all nighters” How often do you stay up late the nights before a big exam studying? I know a lot of students do this. In university I was one of them. I would cram in so much study before an exam getting by on only four or five hours of sleep per night. Of course, I thought I was able to do it. When we are young, we often feel invincible. But I wasn’t and looking back, this lack of sleep hindered me more than helped me. The experts back this up. As noted by UC Davis Health , getting enough sleep can increase our attention span and boost memory and learning. I know it can be tempting to think that more time you spend revising before an exam, the better you will do but it’s simply not true. If you're pulling all-nighters thinking it's helping your grades, you might need to reconsider. Successful students know that hitting the books is essential, but so is hitting the hay. 03 Rely on motivation to keep going Successful students don't rely solely on motivation to get their studies done. What do they do? They create robust habits that endure beyond fleeting feelings of enthusiasm. This is well backed up by experts too. For example, James Clear, in his transformative book Atomic Habits , illustrates how monumental changes can result from the compound effect of small habitual actions. His philosophy pivots on the idea that if you focus on systems and building good habits, you don't need a surplus of motivation to achieve big results. For a student, this might mean developing a study routine that begins with as little as five minutes of focused work immediately after class, gradually building a more prolonged engagement without requiring bursts of motivation. Want to learn more? I’d highly recommend Atomic Habits to all students eager to foster academic excellence. Sure it will take a few hours to read but it's a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone striving to construct a life rich with productive routines. 04 Procrastinate This is a huge one. Successful students avoid procrastination like the plague. I’ve noticed this as a teacher, the students who go on to get great results are the ones who submit assignments on time. Unless they have some serious emergency, they don’t ask for extensions. Why is this? They’ve learned to avoid what might be one of the most common productivity killers for students, procrastination. It's not that they don't feel the urge to put things off - they're human, after all. But they've mastered the art of managing their tasks effectively and pushing through the temptation of procrastination. Instead of waiting until the last minute, they break tasks into manageable chunks and tackle them head-on. This strategy helps them keep stress levels low and productivity high. 05 Doom scroll I know, it can be tempting to waste away hours on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. However, successful don't do this. They're fully aware of how easy it is to lose precious time in this digital maze. It’s so addictive that experts have compared it to cocaine or alcohol addiction! So they completely shun social media? No, instead, they use it mindfully - maybe by setting specific times for checking updates or interacting with friends. It's all about balance. They know that every minute spent mindlessly scrolling is time taken away from their ability to excel. So the next time you find yourself reaching for your phone out of habit, remember this - successful students prioritize their time wisely, and so should you. 06 Lose sight of their goals “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” - Seneca This is one you probably guessed. Successful students never lose sight of their goals. They always have a clear understanding of why they are studying and what they aim to achieve. This clarity drives their actions, keeps them motivated during challenging times, and helps them make the most of their free time. Remember, keeping your eyes on the prize is a key attribute of successful students. So, be clear about your goals and let them guide you in your academic journey. 07 Ignore their mental health There was a time as a student when I found myself buried under a mountain of assignments and deadlines. I thought I was on the path to becoming a successful student, pushing myself to study for hours on end without breaks. But I quickly realized that this approach was taking a toll on my mental health. Anxiety and stress began to cloud my ability to focus and perform well in my studies. Just like me, successful students understand the importance of maintaining mental health. They prioritize self-care and aren't afraid to seek help when they feel overwhelmed. They know that it's okay not to be okay sometimes, and that taking care of their mental health is a prerequisite for academic success. You can't pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself. Final thoughts: It's all about balance The journey to being a successful student isn't just about hitting the books. It's a delicate dance between maintaining academic focus and ensuring overall well-being. This balance is what sets successful students apart. Avoiding mindless scrolling, prioritizing sleep, looking after mental health, or never losing sight of their goals are all pieces of a larger puzzle. I hope you found this post helpful. Happy studies!

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